

What are these QR codes under each of the product displays in the Coca-Cola vending machines?

The QR codes under each of the product displays in our Coca-Cola vending machines will redirect to the online product descriptions by accessing from your smartphone. You will be able to check the contents at once and in 15 languages ( 1)Japanese 2)English 3)Traditional Chinese 4)Simplified Chinese 5)Korean 6)French 7)Thai 8)German 9)Spanish 10)Portuguese 11)Russian 12)Italian 13)Vietnamese 14)Indonesian 15)Arabic ) translated by an online service.

Coca-Cola vending machines

※The structure of ”QR Translator” is utilized for this multilanguage information display.
”QR Translator” is the multilingual solution provided by PIJIN Co., Ltd. and a registered trademark of the company.


例)「コカ・コーラ 成分」「自動販売機 おつり」など